
Now bandhs to start in Seemandhra.

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Now bandhs to start in Seemandhra.
Now bandhs to start in Seemandhra.

To counter the forces that are trying to tear the state into two parts, students from Seemandhra regions have floated a new organization named “Samaikhyaandhra Students Joint Action Committee(Samaikhyaandhra Jac),” and held there first meet today in Vijayawada.

The wing of this organization with name “Samaikhyaandhra Parirakshana Samithi,” headed by Samuel will look into the activities and programs that are to be convened to counter the separation of Telangana.

As a part of their first attempt to pressurize the Govt, on fourth day of this month Seemandhra bandh has been given a call and on fifth will be Rail Roko. After sufferings of people in Telangana with bandh’s…now its bandh time for Seemandhra regions.

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