Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu directed the officials to enumerate the details of the people who don’t have a house or land. “Our government’s aim is to provide a house to every poor family,” he said. He asked the officials to hold field level visits to prepare an action to achieve this.
In a teleconference with 8,000 officials today, the Chief Minister warned he will not tolerate irregularities in the distribution of Chandranna Sankranti Kanuka. He said: the government has initiated distribution of Chandranna Kanuka to lighten up the festive spirit among people. But, it has come to our notice that some people are supplying sub-standard goods. There will be no tolerance for such acts. He directed the district collectors to taken strict action against those who are hurting the integrity of the state government by doing such things.
Meanwhile, he asked the state administration to work towards achieving 100 % results in the 20 non-negotiable indicators. “Encourage the villages that have achieved favourable results and set up pylons commemorating their achievement. Identify villages that have achieved results in economic indicators and happiness index and encourage them to strive harder,” he said. He also pointed how West Godavari district utilized NREGA funds through convergence.
Later, the district collectors gave a detailed report on the progress of the third phase of “Janmabhoomi – Maa Vooru” campaign. The Collectors informed that they are resolving the complaints. The Chief Minister directed the officials to monitor freshly received complaints and update people with right information.