Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao has promised to allot 10% quota for Constables, Head Constables, Assistant Sub-Inspectors and ex-servicemen in the 2BHK Housing scheme of the State Government.
Speaking after paying tributes to police martyrs on the occasion of Police Commemoration Day at Gosha Mahal Stadium on Wednesday, the Chief Minister said that Sub-Inspectors and other senior officials would be allotted land in the municipalities close to their workplace. He also promised to give 30% hike in salaries of traffic policemen.
The Chief Minister informed that a 24-floor building is being constructed at Banjara Hills as new police headquarters with all modern amenities. He said the headquarters would also house an Integrated Command Room. He also increased hike in Uniform Allowances from Rs. 3,500 to Rs. 7,000. Further, the registration charges would be waived for the houses allotted to the police martyrs. He also assured that promotions would be done as per the rules.
KCR said that the State Government would not tolerate terrorism, communalism and White Collar offences. He directed the police officials to curb such crimes with an iron hand. He said there was no place for anti-social elements in Telangana State. He said the development of country and the State was possible only if the Law and Order remains in control.
Earlier, Governor ESL Narasimhan, Home Minister Nayani Narasimha Reddy, DGP Anurag Sharma and other ministers and senior officials paid rich tributes to police martyrs.