The challenges and counter challenges between Siddipet TRS MLA T. Harish Rao and Telugu Dehsam Medak MLA Mynampalli Hanumatha Rao have created chaotic conditions in Siddipet. From the early hours till now, Police invoked 144 section in the city.
The main reason behind these challenges are the illegal encroachment on the reserved lands of dalits by TDP and Congress leaders in Raghavapur village, a distance of just 2 km from Siddipet. When TRS staged a dharna and protested against these encroachments, TDP leader Mynampalli Hanumantah Rao has thrown an open challenge to T. Harish Rao to show their involvement. Along with this, Mynampalli Hanumantha Rao has also made an allegation on T.Harish Rao about his family members involved in this land scam.
T.Harisha Rao has made a counter challenge to Mynampalli Hanumantha Rao to attend Raghavapur and prove his allegation right; else he should resign his MLA seat. With this call Police has become alert and when T. Harish Rao along with TRS cadre started from Siddipet to Raghavapur, Police arrested him and sent to Gajwel PS. Along with T. Harish Rao, TRS leaders like Ramalinga Reddy and others were also arrested.
TRS cadre turned red hot with this arrest, staged dharna and pelted stones on Police. Now, when the information about TDP leaders making their way to Siddipet is known to TRS cadres, they are getting ready to attack all the TDP leaders. Siddipet has turned violent by the aggressive stands of TRS and TDP.