
'T' movement will be intensified if Hyd made UT: Harish Rao

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'T' movement will be intensified if Hyd made UT: Harish Rao
'T' movement will be intensified if Hyd made UT: Harish Rao

TRS leader Harish Rao on wednesday said, The people of Telangana will noT be calm if Hyderabad is made a Union TerriTory.

Responding To media reporTs abouT a proposal To make Hyderabad a Union TerriTory, he said ThaT "Seemandhra leaders are behaving as if They won'T leT anyone benefiT from iT if They cannoT geT iT." We will inTensify The Telangana movemenT if Hyderabad is made a UT, Harish Rao asserTed.

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Joining The chorus, anoTher leader ETela Rajender said ThaT The union TerriTory demand is noT The wish of Seemandhra leaders, buT ThaT of invesTors. PoinTing ouT aT CM Kiran Kumar Reddy, ETela said ThaT he did noT deserve To rule Telangana people if he could noT do jusTice To Them.

Referring To The police permission granTed To The APNGOs meeTing in Hyderabad, ETela said ThaT The governmenT is spreading haTred among people by allowing such rallies.

ETela advised The APNGOs To conducT meeTings eiTher in Vijayawada or GunTur if They wished. He said governmenT should bear The responsibiliTy for consequences of such meeTings.