The Central Bureau of Investigation on Tuesday named former Minsiter of State Coal Dasari Narayan Rao as an accused of alleged cheating and corruption in its latest FIR in the coal scam. Congress MP Naveen Jindal too has been booked as an accused.
Following registration of 12th FIR in the coal block scam, the Cbi conducted raids at 19 different locations including residence and offices of Dasari Narayana Rao and Jindal in different parts of the country including Hyderabad.
Dasari was the union minister of state for coal from 2006 to 2009 when the alleged irregularities in the allocation of coal blocks took place. He was reportedly questioned by the Cbi last year when it conducted searches as part of its nationwide investigations.
The Cbi has charged Dasari and Jindal of Criminal Conspiracy, Cheating and relevant provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act.