
As the first list gets ready TDP office witnesses noisy scenes

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As  the  first  list  gets  ready  TDP office witnesses noisy scenes
As the first list gets ready TDP office witnesses noisy scenes

Hyderabad,  Nov 4:  With  the list of candidates being finalized for the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation elections,  disputes,  controversies and war of words  are  the order of the day at the Telugu Desam Party  office  here on Wednesday.Leaders from the  Kapra region were  in the forefront resenting the choice of candidates and crying  foul on the leaders  who are in the  selection panel  to pick up the candidates.Venting  their anger against the party leadership  they  said ``TDP which  boasts of itself as a party  that stands  for the cause of  BCs is looking  down upon the BCs and is making a mockery of it.’’

They further alleged that those who are in the selection panel of picking up the candidates for the  ensuing GHMC elections are selling the tickets thereby denying the tickets to worthy candidates.Frustrated by the allocation of seats to candidates who were not so active in the party politics, they warned of dire consequences if the party  authorities allot the Barkatpura t seat to Krishna Reddy brother of MLA Revathi Reddy.Denying the tickets to the loyalists who were with the party right from its inception is in a way humiliating them, the aggrieved party workers bemoaned.First  list of candidates Meanwhile  it is learnt that the TDP will release the first list of its candidates by Wednesday evening. About 80 candidates will figure in the first list. In this regard the TDP chief is holding discussions with the polit bureau to finalize the candidates.
