
Kodandaram denies making remarks against Geetha Reddy

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Kodandaram denies making remarks against Geetha Reddy
Kodandaram denies making remarks against Geetha Reddy

Telangana Political Joint Action Committee chairman Prof M Kodandaram on Wednesday clarified that he never made any derogatory remarks against Heavy Industries Minister Dr J Geetha Reddy.

Talking to reporters, Prof Kodandaram alleged that a section of media has distorted his statement that he made about Geetha Reddy's mother Eshwar Bai. He said that he has praised Eshwar Bai's struggle for the cause of Telangana and asked Geetha Reddy to emulate her mother and join the statehood movement. However, the same statement was twisted by a vernacular newspaper and presented it in a bad light.


Earlier, Kodandaram was gheraod by the activists of Madiga Reservation Porata Samithi and other dalit organisations. They demanded that he tender an unconditional apology to Geetha Reddy and Dalits whose sentiments were hurt due to his statement.

Reacting to their demand, the JAC Chairman said that he never made derogatory remarks against Geetha Reddy or Dalits and blamed a section of media for misquoting him. He offered his apologies if his remarks have hurt any individual or community.