
TPJAC threatens another Sakala Janula Samme

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TPJAC threatens another Sakala Janula Samme
TPJAC threatens another Sakala Janula Samme

Telangana Political Joint Action Committee chairman Prof M Kodandaram on Friday threatened that the Telangana Employees JAC might give a call for another general strike, if required.

Talking to reporters after meeting Telangana Nagara Samithi leaders and MLAs Nagam Janardhan Reddy and Harishwar Reddy to thank them for their support for the Telangana March, Kodandaram said that the TP-JAC was discussing the future course of action to be adopted to achieve statehood. Giving a call for another Sakala Janula Samme is also being discussed with the Telangana Employees JACs, he said. However, he did not specify the details as to when a final decision in this regard would be taken.


The TPJAC chairman said that he was meeting all pro-Telangana leaders in person so as to strengthen the JAC to intensify the statehood agitation.

Kodandaram also demanded that the Centre need not take the recommendations of Srikrishna Committee into consideration. He said that the Centre should announce the formation of Telangana State in the Parliament without delaying it further in the name of consultations.

It may be mentioned that the TPJAC on Thursday announced that it would organise widespread protests on October 16 during Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh's visit to the city to attend the global biodiversity conference.