
Chiranjeevi can never be a Mega Star in Politics.

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Chiranjeevi can never be a Mega Star in Politics.
Chiranjeevi can never be a Mega Star in Politics.

>“We will complaint it to the speaker”…”Congress Government is abusing the relief funds”…”Political red tapism is even applied to release of flood relief funds”…”Flood victims are not able to recover to their normal life because of Politics”…this is the way, how Mega Star Chiranjeevi, the supreme leader of Praja Rajyam is continuously criticizing the Roshaiah’s headed Congress Government.

It’s a rare happening that, major opposition Telugu Desham is sitting low in its raising the voice against Congress and Roshaiah…while the Minor opposition Praja Rajyam is raising high on these flood issues.

Yes, Chandra Babu is very much aware of the future benefits to opposition parties with Roshaiah being the Congress leader. But, Chiru is still behaving like a Kindergarten Mega Star in Politics. Will he arise to the real Mega Star in Politics? For this moment a BIG  NO…say even their own Party members

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