Telugu Desam politburo member K Yerran Naidu on Thursday accused Roads and Buildings Minister Dharmana Prasada Rao of resorting to irregularities in granting granite lease on Kannedhara Hills to his son Ram Manohar Naidu.
Talking to media persons, Yerran Naidu stated that the Special Investigation Team headed by additional joint collector T Baburao Naidu found that the maps of mines and geology department did not match with that of land survey wing of the revenue department when it took up the survey of boundaries of the area on Kannedhara Hill allotted to Ram Manohar Naidu of Virgin Rock Private Limited (VRPL) for mining.
Demanding a through probe into entire issue, Yerran Naidu asked the government to immediately cancel the mining lease permit to Ram Manohar Naidu. He asked how the revenue officials gave permission to mining lease in the land allotted to tribals in the area violating the rules and regulations.
Yerran also demanded Minister Prasada Rao's apology for acting against interests of tribals. He assured the tribals that TDP would continue to fight against the government for the cancellation of lease granted to Dharmana family.