
YSR death mystery : Cockpit recorder decoded

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YSR death mystery : Cockpit recorder decoded
YSR death mystery : Cockpit recorder decoded

>The long wait by the Investigation teams and CBI is over; as the cockpit voice recorder which is the crucial evidence in Late YSR’s death caused chopper is decoded. An American organization has decoded this recorder and has sent a dopy of report to the Central Bureau of Investigation.

As per the report, the last conversation recorded was timed to be exactly 7 minutes prior to the crash and the conversation was between Pilot and Co-pilot only which reveals that the co-ordination between them is lost and chopper got deviated from the prescribed path of travel.
They recognized the issue only after traveling for nearly 7 minutes in the wrong path and by this time the communication was totally cut with Chennai Radio. Later they suddenly dropped the chopper's height from 5,500 feet to 3,500 feet and from then on there was no conversation recorded.  

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