The Health Condition of former minister Komatreddy Venkat Reddy started deteriorating on the third day of his indefinite hunger fast on Thursday. He launched an indefinite fast along with his hundreds of supporters near Clock Tower at Nalgonda on Nov 1 demanding statehood for the Telangana region.
According to a medical bulletin released by a team of private doctors who conducted medical check up on Thursday morning, the former minister's health is deteriorating. Doctors say that his blood pressure and sugar levels were below normal. He has also lost 4 kilograms of weight in the last two days. Since Komatreddy is already an Asthma patient, doctors fear that his condition may deteriorate further, if he continues the fast.
However, Komatreddy said that he was firm on continuing his fast until the Centres announces the roadmap for the formation of Telangana state.
Meanwhile, hundreds of political activists, NGOs, students and people from various fields from Nalgonda and surrounding districts have started gathering at the hunger strike camp to express their solidarity.
According to sources, all legislators of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi are likely to visit Nalgonda on Friday to express their solidarity with Komatreddy's fast. The TRS MLAs would first meet at the legislative at around 8 am and then proceed to Nalgonda in a convoy.
Meanwhile, freedom fighter Konda Laxman Bapuji has also continued his week-long fast that he started on November 1 at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi demanding statehood for Telangana region.