Former chief minister K Rosaiah on Friday stated that he would not make any comments over the High Court ordering the Central Bureau of Investigation probe into illegal assets amassed by the Y S R Congress president Jaganmohan Reddy by misusing his official position.
Talking to media persons at Ongole Town in Prakasam district, the former chief minister said that the law will take its course and there was no need to comment on it.
Responding to the Jaganmohan Reddy allegation that Cabinet ministers in former chief minister YSR tenure would be held responsible for decisions, Rosaiah said the CBI probe would come with all details and guilty ministers, who were involved in helping Jagan to amass wealth, and will be punished.
Responding to Godavari district farmers declaring `Crop Holiday’ due to government failure in providing minimum support price to their produce, the former chief minister said the government has appointed a committee under senior IAS Officer Mohan Kanda with experts in field and scientists to study reasons in farmers taking such step.
He said that the committee would submit its recommendations and how to solve the problem of farmers.