Senior Ysr Congress Party leader Ambati Rambabu on Wednesday said that Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy had misused his official position as Speaker of the Assembly and had sent false reports to the Congress High Command that his party president YS Jaganmohan Reddy was making a bid to succeed his father YS Rajasekhara Reddy as Head of Government.
Condemning the allegation leveled by Mr Kiran Kumar Reddy that the Ysr Congress Party president had resigned from the Lok Sabha since he wanted to become the Chief Minister, Mr said that Mr Jaganmohan Reddy had never aspired to become the Head of Government.
Talking to media persons at Sagar Society in Jubilee Hills on Wednesday, Mr Rambabu said that Mr Kiran Kumar Reddy’s allegations were baseless and there is no truth behind the statements.
“Mr Kiran Kumar Reddy had sent false reports to the Congress High Command that Mr Jaganmohan Reddy was eyeing the Chief Minister’s post and had misused his official position during the tenure of former chief minister K Rosaiah,” Mr Rambabu alleged.
He further alleged that Mr Kiran Kumar Reddy had used Mr Jaganmohan Reddy as a pawn to become the Chief Minister of the State.
“The people of the state are well aware how Mr Kiran Kumar Reddy became the Chief Minister, inadvertently support by Congress president Sonia Gandhi after he used Mr Jaganmohan Reddy as a pawn,” the former PCC secretary said.
Alleging that both the Telugu Desam Party and the Congress have hatched conspiracy to defeat Mr Jaganmohan Reddy and Ms YS Vijayalakshmi in the by-elections for the Kadapa Lok Sabha and the Pulivendula Assembly constituencies, Mr Rambabu said despite these parties’ leaders best efforts, the people of Kadapa will teach them a fitting lesson and elect the Ysr Congress Party candidates with a thumping majority.
He further alleged that both the Telugu Desam Party and the Congress have polluted the political atmosphere of the state with their controversial and baseless statements against Mr Jaganmohan Reddy.