Sensational case of Hasan Ali, the top most tax evader accused of stashing away billions of dollars in Swiss banks and also facing Rs.70,000 crore tax demand notice from the Income Tax Department is presently in judicial custody revealing the names of top most influential people in Andhra Pradesh with whom he maintained close links. As enthusiastic media tried to bring forward the contacts of Hasan Ali with Tollywood big wigs, then came out the name of Chiranjeevi along with YSR and Chandra Babu Naidu.
Reacting to these false rumours from media, Chiranjeevi said ‘I don’t know anything about Ali and his links with Telugu film industry. What I know is only about movies. Never did I meet him. With Enforcement Directorate investigating the case, he will get right punishment from Supreme Court.’ Well, there are many gossips making rounds in political and cine circles on Hasan Ali and his Black Money poured into both cine and political fields.