Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy, keen to curtail the political aspirations of former Kadapa MP YS Jaganmohan Reddy, got a shot in arm with Jagan Yuvasena founder-president P Satya Reddy disbanding its association and declaring his loyalties to the Congress.
He met Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy at the Lake View Guest House and said that the members of the erstwhile Yuva Sena would now support the Chief Minister and the Congress party.
Mr Satya Reddy, a former Youth Congress president, film producer, director and actor on Saturday said that the Yuva Sena had been scrapped as Mr Jaganmohan Reddy had left the party and hence the very reason for its formation was gone.
Mr Satya Reddy also charged that people like suspended PCC general secretary Ambati Rambabu were misleading the former Kadapa MP.
Mr Satya Reddy had formed the YS Jagan Yuvasena State Committee to bring together supporters of the former MP under one umbrella.
The Yuvasena leader had pledged his unwavering support for the son of former Chief Minister YS Rajasekhara Reddy at the time of the associations’ formation and had also hoped that Mr Jaganmohan Reddy would strive to strengthen the Congress party.
The erstwhile Yuvasena’s vice-president stated that all the former members would join the Congress.