
CBN vs Jagan - Who got media shock

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Media shocked CBN or Jagan

Questions are being raised about the role of media in politics
Questions are being raised about the role of media in politics

CBN vs Jagan - Who got Media shock. The YCP has long had its own Media outlets dedicated to reflecting the thoughts, desires, and strategies of Jagan Mohan Reddy. These outlets have staunchly supported him, both during his time in power and when he was in opposition, downplaying his mistakes or defending him regardless of any missteps. Acting almost like an extension of the YCP, this Media has relentlessly attacked Jagan’s political opponents.

On the other hand, Media organizations such as *Eenadu*, *Andhra Jyoti*, and others have frequently criticized Jagan’s governance, highlighting issues like flaws, failures, corruption, and alleged atrocities. In response, Jagan labeled these outlets as "yellow Media," accusing them of spreading negative propaganda against his government with political motives. His views were often echoed in the YCP’s own Media.


Now that the TDP coalition government is in power, there are growing discussions on social Media, suggesting that the Media organizations that once supported TDP, especially during critical elections, are now lobbying the new government for their own interests. This raises questions about the role of Media in politics.

Critics on social Media draw a comparison, saying that while Jagan's Media acted like a "faithful dog," always defending him, the Media supporting TDP is more like a snake—dangerous and unpredictable, even when fed with good intentions. However, these claims should be critically examined for their validity.

There’s no denying that Jagan’s loyal Media acted out of devotion to its leader, but one might argue it ultimately led him down a dangerous path, failing to correct him when needed and, in some ways, contributing to his downfall. A truly loyal ally would help its leader avoid such traps, not watch as they sink deeper.

On the contrary, the Media like *Eenadu* and *Andhra Jyoti* often served as a warning system for Jagan, flagging issues within his governance. However, Jagan, wearing his “blue-tinted glasses,” interpreted their critiques as politically motivated attacks, failing to see the constructive criticism. If he had heeded their warnings, he might still be the Chief Minister today.

As for the current situation, while some claim the Media is lobbying the new government for personal gain, it's a natural occurrence in political circles. Both the Media and Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu are aware of their boundaries. The notion that these Media outlets will eventually turn on the TDP government, like a snake, lacks substantial backing.

In the end, the relationship between political parties and Media has always been intricate. To see loyal allies as threats, or potential threats as allies, is a misunderstanding of the dynamics at play.

Tags:   MEDIA 7