
Can Revanth Reddy dare take on Old City

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Revanth daring move in Old City

Revanth Reddy daring move in Old City
Revanth Reddy daring move in Old City

In a move that has sparked controversy, the Congress government in Telangana, led by Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, has announced a plan to hand over electricity distribution in Hyderabad's Old City to the Adani Group. This decision, revealed at a media conference in Delhi, is aimed at addressing financial woes in the state's electricity distribution system.

Reddy stated that the move is a pilot project, citing difficulties in collecting bills and escalating violence against staff in the Old City. He clarified that the Adani Group will receive 25% of the revenue generated, with the remaining 75% going to the state government.


The announcement has drawn criticism, particularly given the ongoing debate surrounding the Adani Group's influence in India's infrastructure sector. Reddy defended the decision, stating that Rahul Gandhi's criticism of the Adani Group's involvement in central government assets does not preclude business partnerships with the company.

The Telangana government's plan has raised several concerns. Critics argue that the move is a step towards privatization of the power sector, potentially leading to increased costs for consumers. Others question the transparency and accountability involved in the agreement with the Adani Group.

The decision is likely to fuel further debate about the role of private companies in public services and the potential consequences for consumers and state finances. The impact of the Adani Group's involvement in power distribution in Hyderabad will be closely observed, particularly as the government plans to extend the partnership to the entire state.