NTR invited for the swearing in ceremony of Chandra Babu Naidu. The TDP -BJP- Jana Sena alliance created a sensation by winning the spectacular election in Andhra Pradesh and doing the near impossible by disclosing the powerful Jagan Mohan Reddy blasting his bastion.
Now Chandra Babu will be taking oath tomorrow at Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh and many celebrities are invited for the same. All eyes are on Nandamuri clan and family members.
It is coming out that young Tiger NTR has been invited for the swearing in ceremony. Now speculation is on their NTR will attend the swearing in ceremony or not. This because NTR kept away from politics since longtime and even though there was clamour for his entry he remained silent. Many felt that NTR was angry with Chandra Babu as he sidelined him for his son Lokesh.
He concentrated on films and maintained silence with out making any political comments even when YSRCP leaders abused Chandra Babu, his wife Bhuvaneswari and others. He even remained mute during the recent elections making people question his allegiance. It has to be seen whether NTR will attend the swearing in ceremony of Chandra Babu Naidu and if he doesn't the wedge between NTR fans and Nandamuri fans will increase even further.