Pawan says Jagan insulted Tollywood Stars. The verbal sparring between AP CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy and Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan is escalating, with YS Jagan launching personal attacks on Pawan Kalyan's familial background and marital history. At a preparatory meeting in Pithapuram, scathing remarks were exchanged, with jibes aimed at Pawan Kalyan's potential response to illness, suggesting he would flee Hyderabad at the slightest hint of sickness. In response, Pawan Kalyan retaliated against YS Jagan's barbs during his campaign in Korukonda, East Godavari district.
The spectacle of revered film personalities facing alleged disrespect within their own circles has surfaced, as icons like Chiranjeevi, Prabhas, and Mahesh Babu purportedly faced humiliation during their interactions with YS Jagan. Pawan Kalyan accused YS Jagan of orchestrating disrespectful treatment towards these esteemed figures. He claimed that during private meetings, the guests were led through back entrances, while covert surveillance was employed, suggesting a lack of trust and hospitality. Pawan Kalyan's assertion implies that such actions were aimed at belittling these beloved figures in the eyes of their vast fan bases.
Highlighting the significance of these iconic figures to millions of fans, Pawan Kalyan condemned what he perceives as YS Jagan's disdain towards them. He emphasized that disrespecting figures like Chiranjeevi, who are revered by countless admirers, reflects poorly on YS Jagan's regard for public sentiment. Pawan Kalyan urged fans of these actors to bear in mind YS Jagan's alleged mistreatment, portraying him as someone who disregards the sentiments of the masses.