Revanth Reddy following Jagan. Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy's political maneuvers and draws comparisons to Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan Reddy's strategies. Here's a breakdown of the key points:
Unexpected Rise and Juniority: Revanth Reddy's ascension to Chief Minister was unexpected, and his juniority within the Congress party leads to a lack of respect from senior leaders.
Focus on Financial and Political Strength: Reddy aims to solidify his position both financially and politically, leveraging his newfound power.
Volunteer System: Inspired by Jagan Reddy's volunteer system in Andhra Pradesh, Revanth Reddy plans to implement a similar structure in Telangana, potentially fostering loyalty and building a support base.
Liquor Policy: Reddy seems to be considering adopting a liquor policy similar to Andhra Pradesh's, which promotes local brands and could create opportunities for financial gain.
Securing Position within Congress: By emulating Jagan Reddy's strategies, Revanth Reddy aims to strengthen his position within the Congress party and gain more control.
Financial Benefits: The volunteer system and liquor policy changes could potentially lead to financial advantages for Reddy and his supporters.
Internal Party Conflicts: Implementing these strategies might exacerbate tensions within the Congress party, especially with senior leaders who already disregard Reddy's authority.
Public Backlash: The liquor policy, if mirroring Andhra Pradesh's, could face public criticism and resistance, similar to the situation in the neighboring state.
Overall, Revanth Reddy's approach reflects a calculated effort to consolidate power and build a strong support base, drawing inspiration from Jagan Reddy's tactics. However, potential challenges and public perception need careful consideration for successful implementation.