CBN compared to on-screen villains. Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy's electoral campaign has taken an interesting turn, with the CM employing references from popular horror movies to satirize his opponent, Chandrababu Naidu. This unconventional approach has sparked amusement and captured the attention of the electorate.
Previously, during his Siddham meetings, Jagan likened Chandrababu to "Chandramukhi," a character from a popular horror film, cautioning the public against supporting him and suggesting that he would "drain their blood" if re-elected.
Now, Jagan has introduced a new cinematic reference to target Chandrababu. Drawing from another horror film, "Arundhati," he has begun referring to Chandrababu as "Pasupathi," a vengeful spirit who rises from the grave. Jagan warns the public that Chandrababu, like Pasupathi, is "out of his Samadhi" and seeks vengeance in the 2024 elections. He urges people not to "breathe life" into him by offering their support, lest he returns to haunt them as CM.
This trend of using horror movie metaphors to criticize the opposition leader is a novel approach in Andhra Pradesh politics. While political references in films are commonplace, Jagan has flipped the script, bringing film references into the political arena.
It remains to be seen how effective this strategy will be in swaying voters, but it has undoubtedly generated buzz and added a unique flavor to the ongoing political discourse in Andhra Pradesh.