Pawan cut-short his Varahi tour. Jana Sena Chief and film star Pawan Kalyan was forced to cut his visit to Pithapuram in Kakinada district short by two days due to a throat infection and viral fever. He departed for Hyderabad on Sunday evening, after arriving on Saturday for what was originally planned as a four-day tour.
Despite his illness, Kalyan made the most of his shortened visit. On Sunday morning, he offered special prayers at the revered God Kukkuteswara Swamy temple, the Goddess Puruhoothika (one of the Shakti Peethas), and Sripada Vallabha, the birthplace of the first Avatar. He received blessings from the temple priests and later addressed leaders and cadres of the Telugu Desam, Jana Sena, and BJP alliance.
In his address, Kalyan urged the alliance members to work tirelessly to defeat the ruling YSRC and ensure the alliance's victory in the upcoming state elections. He expressed confidence in the alliance forming the next government and called upon the leaders and cadres to dedicate themselves to the victory of the alliance candidates. He emphasized that with the combined efforts of the alliance and the BJP, the "misrule of the YSRC" could be ended and good governance could be ushered into the state.
Kalyan acknowledged the challenges inherent in political alliances, including potential disagreements and resentment. However, he asserted that the current alliance is united by the singular goal of defeating the YSRC. To achieve this, he urged the leaders and cadres to undertake a 40-day 'Deeksha' for the victory of the alliance candidates.
While Kalyan's illness forced him to cut his visit short, his presence in Pithapuram served as a rallying cry for the alliance, solidifying their commitment to unseat the YSRC and usher in a new era of governance in the state.