How Pawan is different from Jagan and CBN. The political heat is increasing in Andhra Pradesh ahead of the 2024 elections. While the ruling YSRDP headed by Jagan is intensifying efforts to come to power for the second time, TDP's Chandra Babu Naidu and Jana Sena's Pawan Kalyan are leaving no stone unturned to defeat YSRCP.
But those who have been watching the personality traits of CM Jagan, Chandra Babu Naidu, and Pawan Kalyan are saying that Pawan is class apart when compared to the others.
While CM Jagan has already introduced many freebies and is announcing many more, Chandra Babu Naidu who already got the tagline of ' All Free Babu' and who has been attacking Jagan for plunging AP into the financial crisis with his developmental schemes is going two steps ahead and is promising many freebies double than that of Jagan.
Only Pawan Kalyan is asking people to work and join hands together for the development of the state and promising to create better job opportunities by bringing in investments and industries. Apart from it, while Jagan is attacking Chandra Babu and Pawan trying to tarnish their character by raking up personal and family issues and Chandra Babu is also doing the same attacking him personally, only Pawan Kalyan is fighting on burning issues questioning the government on the shortcomings. Pawan is replying to the personal attacks on him only once in a blue moon. He also vowed that he will not play caste and vote bank politics. All this shows, Pawan is class part from Jagan and CBN.