Sudhakar Komakula turning with Memories. Sudhakar Komakula recently entertained with the comic entertainer Narayana & Co. Now this talented actor is coming with a new music video titled Memories. The music video is titled Memories and today the pre-look has been shared.
Sharing the details, the makers posted "MEMORIES - Pre-look of #SudhakarKomakula’s next independent Music Video shot in San Francisco, USA. Conceptualised & directed by #AnveshBashyam. A unique blend of 2D animation and real worlD in 5 languages.
Anvesh Bhashyam conceptualized and designed the song and it has been shot in a lavish and extravagant manner in San Fransisco, USA. The music video a blend of 3D animation and the real world will be released in five Indian languages and will be bankrolled by Sukha Media, Red Cedar Entertainment..
Sudhakar Komakula earlier entertained with his first music video Lollipop. Apart from it, Sudhakar is starring in a film titled Charlie Chaplin.