Bhola Shankar's second song update soon. Chiranjeevi's Bhola Shankar is generating immense interest among movie lovers. The film directed by Meher Ramesh is releasing on 11 August 2023. The film is a remake of the Tamil hit Vedhalam and stars Tamannaah as the female lead while Keerthy Suresh is playing the role of Chiranjeevi's sister.
Chiranjeevi wrapped dubbing for his role in the film and he already left for vacation. In the meantime, the makers came up with an update on the film's second single.
They shared "After the Striking TeaserThe chartbuster #BholaaMania Now, Get ready for The Celebration Song from #BholaaShankar Announcement Loading ShortlyStay tuned"
The film's music is scored by Mahati Swara Sagar and Sushanth, Raghu Babu, Murali Sharma, Ravi Shankar, Vennela Kishore, Tulasi, Sureka Vani, Sri Mukhi, Hyper Adhi, Viva Harsha are starring in crucial roles. The film is bankrolled in a lavish manner on AK Entertainments' banner.