Minmini says Ilayaraja refused her as she sang for Rahman. Minmini attained national recognition for her song Chinni Chinni Aasai for Mani Ratnam's Roja. The music was tuned by Oscar winner Rahman. She said after she sang for Rahman, she got a huge shock as Ialayaraja did not offer her any songs.
She said she got to sing for Ialayaraja songs but the moment he came to know that he sang for Rahman, he stopped giving her offers. She said he got angry and asked her why she is singing for others and she should only sing for her. She said Ilayaraja's behavior was shocking and she started crying.
She said at that time, singer Mano consoled her. She added that as the incident happened inside the recording studio, everyone heard it.
She added that after this incident, Ilayaraja never offered her chances. She said she is now telling this as she did not want to tarnish the image of Ilayaraja at that time.