Varun -Lavanya snap after engagement goes viral. Mega Prince Varun Tej and lovely beauty Lavanya Tripathi got engaged few days back in a private ceremony in the presence of their parents, family members, close friends and relatives.
According to the latest, Lavanya Tripathi and Varun Tej 's first romantic snap is going viral on social media. Lavanya Tripathi looked lovely and gorgeous while Varun Tej looked handsome and charming.
While Lavanya posted it, Varun Tej also shared it with the caption "Thanks to and each & everyone for the warm wishes! Lavanya Tripathi" Inside talk is Lavanya Tripathi set up conditions before giving her consent for taking their relationship forward.
Lavanya is likely to enter into film production continuing her association with films and she got the green signal from not only Varun Tej but also mega family members that she will continue her favourite Bharat natyam and perform on stages whenever she likes across the country.