Acclaimed director Prashanth Varma after his successful Zombie Reddy once again teamed up with his hero Teja Sajja for Hanu-man which also marks the first film in his Cinematic Universe. The film has wrapped up its entire shooting. Currently it is undergoing it's post-production works. As shown in the teaser, Hanu-man will have top-notch visual effects. Now, an official announcement has been made that the film stands postponed.
The movie was initially planned for a summer release on May 12th. However, it is now pushed to a later date. The extensive VFX work is the reason for the delay. The teaser got a terrific response across the nation has alerted the makers and took extra care about the final product. The VFX is being planned to be on par with Hollywood movies. The Hanuman Chalisa with artwork too garnered a very good response.
The official statement from the makers read: “All your humongous love for the Hanuman Teaser has touched our hearts and raised our responsibility to deliver the best outcome.
We Promise you a film, that will be cherished, celebrated and will stand as a perfect ode to LORD HANUMAN. From heart to heart, we can't wall for you to experience HANU MAN on the big screens. A NEW RELEASE DATE WILL BE ANNOUNCED SOON. JAI SHRI RAM."
Amritha Aiyer is the leading lady opposite Teja Sajja in the movie, where Vinay Rai will be seen as the antagonist and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar in a key role. Hanu-man will have Pan World release in several Indian languages including Telugu, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese and Japanese.