Star producer Suresh Babu to relase upcoming Telugu film Anveshi teaser. The makers confirmed the news by sharing the new poster of the film Anveshi and sharing that the teaser will be released on 1 May 2023 at 11 AM. they posted 'Are you excited to explore a world filled with suspense and mystery? The #AnveshiTeaser will be released by #SureshBabu Garu on May 1st at 11 AM, so get ready!'
The film is a mystery thriller and stars Vijay Dharan, Simran Gupta in the lead roles. The film also features Ananya Nagalla in an important role. VJ. Khanna is directing the film produced by T. Ganapathy Reddy under the banner of Aruna Sri Entertainments.
Chaitan Bharadwaj is the music director while Karthika Srinivas is handling the editing. The makers will soon announce the film's release date.
Director VJ. Khanna speaking about the film shared "Hero Vijay Dharan and Simran Gupta acted well. Ananya Nagalla played a key role in this movie. The story revolves around her. The film is set in a forest back drop."