Taapsee Pannu who made her debut in Film industry with Tollywood film Jhummandi Naadam starring Manoj Manchu in K Raghavendra Rao's direction has did several Telugu films at that time. Though she never got a big break, she bagged several second female lead offers in big heroes films.
After she shifted her base to Bollywood, Taapsee started to do female centric characters and made a name for herself. Then she made some controversial comments about South films and she even belittled her first film director Raghavendra Rao while explaining about showing heroines glamorously. She underwent serious trolling for her comments back then.
Latestly she once again made comments on South Film industry. She said that though she made her acting debut with south films she never got satisfaction as an actor with south films. She said that due to this reason only she shifted to Bollywood.
Taapsee said her Hindi film Pink has turned her career and she is at satisfaction about her roles ahe performed in Bollywood. She told that her aim is to reach to a position where no one could achieve. These comments of her again ignites controversy among south film circles.