Bollywood popular actor Sanjay Dutt has become a familiar face in south too after his explosive debut in KGF Chapter 2. He is now doing Vijay's LEO and Dhruva Sarja's KD. Both are highly ambitious projects riding high on expectations. There were reports that Sanjay was seriously injured on the sets of KD while filming an action scene involving a bomb explosion.
But, the cator took social media and thrashes them as mere rumours. He denied reports of him getting injured on the sets of his upcoming Kannada film KD. There were several reports doing the rounds on Dutt’s accident but as per the actor himself, “they are completely baseless”.
The actor posted a note on his Instagram stories. It read, “There are reports of me getting injured. I want to reassure everyone that they are completely baseless. By God’s grace, I am fine & healthy. I am shooting for the film KD & the team’s been extra careful while filming my scenes. Thank you everyone for reaching out & your concern.”
KD – The Devil stars Dhruva Sarja and Shilpa Shetty Kundra. The film is directed by Prem and produced by KVN Productions. It will be released in Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam and Hindi.