Sai Dharam Tej's latest film Virupaksha is slated to hit the screens on April 21. Title glimpse, teaser and song released so far have garnered interesting reactions towards the film. The film is being made as a mystical thriller. Sukumar has penned the screeplay to this mysterious thriller. As the release date is getting near, the promotional activities are gaining momentum. Makers unveiled the trailer for the film.
The trailer is filled with thrills and left lot of questions to the viewers. A village is forbidden from entering into it and also from leaving it. Several deaths have taken place in the village, due to a supernatural force. The whole village was shut down. How Sai Dharam finds the reason behind this strange incidents and how he takes on the forces trying to stop him forms the plot of Virupaksha.
The trailer also hints about black magic, controlling people with some kind of trance. The brilliance in trailer is though it is cut in a way that it has supernatural elements in it. It never revealed them in detail keeping a lot under wraps but still drags curiosity.
Ajaneesh Lokanath's music looks perfect for the film while Shamdat's Cinematography elevated the mood. Karthik Dandu who is debuting as director with this film did a commendable job it seems. BVSN Prasad and Sukumar Writings are jointly produced this film.