Priyanka Chopra and her daughter visited the famous and most powerful Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai. Priyanka Chopra and her daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas are spotted at the Siddhivinayak Temple and both are seen having the darshan of the Lord Ganesha and offering prayers.
Priyanka is seen in a green salwar suit, and Malti was seen in a white dress. In a video, Priyanka is seen carrying her daughter in her arms during the pooja. A tika was also put on the foreheads of the mother and daughter.
In a few snaps, Priyanka was seen posing with an idol of Lord Ganesha at the temple and her daughter looked cute and curious about the happenings. Priyanka Chopra on the professional front is awaiting the streaming of her spy thriller Citadel directed by the Russo Brothers.
Citadel Asia Pacific premiers have been screened for celebrities a couple of days back and Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden's performances won the appreciation of all.