Kamal Haasan's Vikram has resurrected his career at the Box-office by turning into an Industry Hit in Tamil. Not only that, Vikram has created a cinematic universe where Director Lokesh Kanagaraj has brilliantly involved many big stars in his Vikram - Kaithi - Leo world. Rolex is the popular character he introduced towards the end of the film in Vikram. Rolex played by Suriya has shook the theatres with his presence when he appeared on the screen.
Recently, An award event has happened in Chennai. Kamal Haasan has presented an award to Suriya. Speaking on the occasion Kamal said that Suriya's Rolex character has brought wide reach to Vikram film and it it was their last minute decision. Kamal also thanked Suriya for doing the role and for accepting it in the first place with a phone call from him. Kamal hugged and kissed Suriya to express his gratitude.
On the same stage, Director Lokesh Kanagaraj has Annoucned that he will be doing a film with Suriya and he also said that he will finish it within 150 days. But, he didn't spill any beans about whether it is a stand alone film of Rolex or a new project.
Lokesh is currently filming LEO with Vijay which is also part of his Cinematic Universe where Kamal and Suriya are expected to make an appearance in the film.