The dispute between Manchu brothers, Vishnu and Manoj is now a hot topic after it became public. Manoj has shot the video of Vishnu beating someone who works for them and shared it in his social media. This made everyone aware about the clashes in Manchu family. The video became viral in no time and old videos where both brothers avoided each other were surfaced and dissected with details.
Manchu family is now in damage control. Earlier Mohan Babu, has tried to bring down the gravity of the situation by saying that these are pretty issues which are quite normal between any brothers. He also said that he is talking to them in a sense so that the issue will be cleared in no time. It is Mohan Babu who made Manoj to remove the video from his social media handles. Vishnu also expressed similar opinion that this is a small issue and Manoj often does such kind of things.
But, the damage is already done as everyone came to a conclusion that all is not well between the Manchu Brothers. Lakshmi Prasanna also said that this is a regular family issue which often happen between brothers. Don't blow it more than a small misunderstanding, There is no need to exaggerate about this incident, she said. Manchu Lakshmi also said that the issue will be cleared soon and asked everyone don't make unnecessary comments without knowing the complete story.
In recent past Lakshmi Prasanna made some comments a out Manchu family clashes. Those became viral now. At thet time she stated, " My father is very strict. He will call everyone and speak to them together personally if any issue arises. Every house has these kind of issues. We can't speak about everything going on in our home. To maintain the dignity of our family we can't come out and speak about every issue running in our family."