Kangana Ranaut has the costliest vanity van and also speaking to scribes shared her restaurant dreams. Kangana Ranaut spent a whopping Rs 65 lakhs to customize her vanity van. Keran Raval, a supplier shared “Kangana wanted a traditional look. She wanted the van to be designed on similar lines as her house. She has sofas with carvings her chairs are all made of the original wood. Our priority was to make her feel at home in the vanity van. Kangana even picked the company for the jet spray used in her vanity van. It took around Rs 65 lakh to customize my van for Kangana.”
When I started my makeup vanity van, Kangana Ranaut revealed I had no clue I was creating history in the film industry. Many artists compliment me and thank me for introducing the concept of vanity vans.” She shared her ordeal, “I would often face difficulties when shooting on (outdoor) locations. There would be no place to change clothes, no toilets, and no place to eat our meals. Artists had to spend time amid the sun and dirt on sets.”
Kangana also shared her restaurant dreams. She added She wrote along with the clip, "Another interview from more than a decade ago, yes cooking is very much on my agenda... had some financial setbacks last year otherwise I was all set to launch my restaurant in the valley, will be coming soon though. Thanks to my fans for these clips I had forgotten about these interactions, but look when we build intentions we set destiny GPS (global positioning system), so cultivate intentions, not desires."
Kangana is awaiting the release of her film Emergency and also has projects like Tejas, Manikarnika Returns: The Legend of Didda, The Incarnation: Sita and Chandramukhi 2, the sequel to Rajinikanth’s 2005 Tamil movie.