Allari Naresh, of late has been doing serious message-oriented films after receiving setbacks with his comedy entertainers that happened to be his forte. He stunned all with his performance in Naandhi and then came up with Itlu Maredumilli Prajaneekam. He is set to entertain with Ugram and Sabhaku Namaskaram.
Now reports are coming that Allari Naresh is lining up a comedy crapper. Allari Naresh is unable to come out of his comedy which has been his strength and even viewers are loving films having spontaneous comedy. He is planning to team up with a director for a new-age comedy entertainer.
Inside talk is Allari Naresh is planning to team up with KV.Anudeep of Jathi Ratnalu fame. He asked him to come with a fun ride story. However, Anudeep is currently keen to team up with Venkatesh and already readied a script. The question is will Anudeep team with Naresh Allari?