Ram Charan became the first Indian actor to participate in the popular show Good Morning America. Ram Charan's interview in the show is going viral and people are raving about's swag, style and humbleness. Ram Charan responded to various questions on RRR's performance, Naatu Naatu getting the Oscar nomination and also his personal details.
Mega fans are celebrating the moment as a festival and Mega Star Chiranjeevi, the proud father of Ram Charan, shared his feelings on social media. He posted "A Proud Moment for Telugu / Indian Cinema
@AlwaysRamCharan , features on the famed #GoodMorningAmerica Amazing how the power of One passionate idea born in the visionary @ssrajamouli ‘s brain, envelopes the world! Onwards & Upwards !!"
Ram Charan's performance in the role of freedom fighter Alluri Seetha Rama Raju in RRR won the appreciation of all. Legendary directors James Cameroon and Stephen Spielberg specially mentioned Ram Charan's name and raved about his performance.