Rajamopuli speaking to scribes shared the real inspiration behind his magnum opus RRR. It is known that RRR which starred NTR and Ram Charan in the lead roles of freedom fighters Komaram Bheem and Alluri Seetha Rama Raju has been winning the acollades at the international level. Speaking to scribes, Rajamouli said "For instance, the language that is spoken in Mayabazar is supposed to be from the Mahabharata. The many dramas and films that came before, and many films that came after, use a very bookish language for the characters, because they’re supposed to be either gods or ancient people. In English, it would probably resemble a Shakespearean kind of language. But in Mayabazar, the language that the characters speak is a very present-day, modern Telugu language. I was quite surprised the director had the guts to do that."
Elaborating further Rajamouli said "There are also several instances in the film where they use words that are not Telugu. They just invented words for comedic effect. That’s quite daring when your film’s story is taken from a classic text like the Mahabharata. Mayabazar features almost all of the stars in the Telugu film industry from that period, and they experimented so much. That was a big inspiration for me when I made RRR, a completely fictionalised story featuring characters based on real people. My confidence to make RRR comes from Mayabazar."
He went on to add that he was inspired by Mel Gibson's Brave Heart and The Passion of Christ. He shared "I didn’t like Passion of the Christ. It was too violent for me, at least at that point in time. I couldn’t watch the film in one sitting. I watched a little, shut it off, waited two or three days, watched a little more. There are some moments that are great, definitely. But, on the whole, not a fan. The climax of Braveheart, not Passion of the Christ, was the inspiration for Bheem’s song in RRR, in the scene where he’s being whipped."