Kiran Abbavaram's Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha is increasing expectations among movie lovers. The film's first look, teaser, and trailer got a good response. The film is racing for a grand release on 18 February 2023. Ahead of the film's release, the makers released the release trailer. The release trailer starts with interesting and intense elements with cops searching for criminals and at the same time, Kiran Abbavaram, Kashmira Paradesi and Murali Sharma are shown in a joyful mood. The story is set in the backdrop of the temple town of Tirupati.
Kiran Abbavaram is shown as a good samaritan who lands in trouble due to his helping nature. Where his helping nature leads him to and how he comes out of it, from the rest of the story. Praveen and Subhalekha Sudhakar are playing important roles in the film for which music is tuned by Chaitan Bharadwaj.
Daniel Viswas and Marthand K Venkatesh are the cinematographer and editor for the film directed by Murali Kishore Abburu.