
Balakrishna recites this to Taraka Ratna

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NBK revives Taraka Ratna with spirituality

Balakrishna revives Tarakaratna with spirituality
Balakrishna revives Tarakaratna with spirituality

Taraka Ratna's health is worrying all his family members and well-wishers. They are leaving no stone unturned to give him better treatment. In order to do so, they have even ensured that foreign doctors are flown in and treated him at Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospital, Bengaluru. Balakrishna is overseeing the developments and monitoring his health being by his side.

In the meantime, it is coming out that Balakrishna gave spiritual treatment to Taraka Ratna. Inside talk is Balakrishna recited the powerful Mrutyunjaya Mantra in the ears of Taraka Ratna who was on the hospital bed.


Sources say, when foreign doctors arrived, Taraka Ratna did not respond to the treatment. At that time, Balakrishna who is extremely religious chanted Mrutyunjaya Mantra in the ears of Taraka Ratna and as a miracle, Taraka Ratna responded to the treatment. Doctors now share that he is out of danger.

A few days back an astrologer shared ' If Guru Dattatreya is prayed, he will be out of danger. Such incidents happen due to pitru doshas and to prevent them from happening in the future, one should do Narayana Bali puja'.