Ram Charan is heading to Kurnool and all the mega fans are excited as star director Shankar pressed the film's accelerator. Shankar yesterday shared that the film's shooting is progressing at the historic Charminar in Hyderabad. Shankar shot a song on Ram Charan which featured around 200 dancers along with him. Now reports have it that the Hyderabad schedule has been wrapped and the film unit will head to Kurnool.
The song shoot will continue in the historic Kondareddy Buruju in Kurnool city. Knowing this, mega fans already started erecting banners and hoardings to welcome Ram Charan to Kurnool city. The film stars Kiara Advani as the female lead and Ram Charan is playing dual roles in the film for which music is tuned by Thaman.
SJ. Suriah, Suresh Gopi, Esha Gupta, Anjali, Srikanth, Jayaram, Sunil, and Naveen Chandra are playing important roles in the film. Plans are on to release the film's title and first look on Ram Charan's birthday on 27 March 2023.