Balakrishna who set the screens on fire with Veera Simha Reddy during Sankranti is now set for the NBK108 blast. The film is directed by Anil Ravipudi and he is getting ready to show Balakrishna in two completely different and contrasting roles. In one role Balakrishna will be seen as the person who has a teenage daughter.
Sree Leela is playing the role of Balakrishna's daughter and Priyanka Jhawalkar is the other heroine. Now inside talk is the makers are getting ready for a costly schedule from the third week of this month. Already the makers wrapped up the first schedule and this happens to be the second and the costliest schedule. Arjun Rampal is the antagonist in the film opposite Balakrishna.
The makers will be canning breathtaking action sequences on Balakrishna in this schedule. Thaman is the music director for the film produced by Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi under the Shine Screens banner.