Megastar Chiranjeevi's Waltair Veerayya which was released on 13th January has emerged as a Sankranthi Blockbuster. It has collected a share of Rs 135+ Crores worldwide from 25 days. It's run at the boxoffice has almost coming to an end. Waltair Veerayya marks third Rs 100+ Crore share film for Chiranjeevi and he is the only senior hero to achieve this rare feat. He is also the only senior hero who has three $ 2+ Million dollar films at the USA boxoffice.
Waltair Veerayya OTT streaming rights has been acquired by Netflix. It has announced that the film will be available for streaming on their platform from 27th February. Netflix has made an official post with a poster regarding this. Chiranjeevi in an out and out mass avatar along with Ravi Teja in a crucial character have entertained audiences this Sankranthi. Emotional scenes between Chiranjeevi and Ravi Teja connected well with the audience. Director Bobby has handled the mass action film blending commercial elements in right proportions.
Shruthi Haasan has played as female lead while Urvashi Rautela is seen in a special song. Devi Sri Prasad has composed the music while Mythri Movie Makers has produced the film.