
Balakrishna Official Statement About His Comments

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NBK About His Comments On Nurses

Balakrishna Official Statement About His Comments On Nurses
Balakrishna Official Statement About His Comments On Nurses

Nandamuri Balakrishna has been indulging himself in various controversies these days. The main reason for all these issues is 'slip of tongue'. Though he doesn't mean it literally his choice of words and using them very formally while speaking leads to hurting many. Balayya should serious consider this while he is talking in public as he is a popular celebrity whose each word has a value.

His comments in Unstoppable show with Pawan Kalyan's epsiode has ignited the controversey. NBK while speaking about his accident he said, " Aa Nurse Daanemma, Bhale Andamgaa Undi..." These words became an issue and several nurses and social organisations have severely objected this. Balakrishna today issued a statement to clarify about his comments. In his statement NBK stated, 


I am condemning the negative propaganda that is being spread that I have belittled Nurses. They have twisted my words wantedly. I always respect my brother's and sisters who always serve the patients. I directly monitor Nurse's services to patients in Basvatarakam Cancer hospital. They save many lives serving day and night to patients. I have immense respect for them. No matter what how many times we thank them, it is still doesn't enough for the kind and amount of service they do for the mankind. During Corona crises, many nurses keeping their lives on line, came forward and provided services to corona patients. We must appreciate nurses for their invaluable services. I am here expressing my sincere regret if my words hurt in any manner.