Mega Star Chiranjeevi and Natasimha Balakrishna are coming to entertain movie lovers during Sankranti with their films Waltair Veerayya and Veera Simha Reddy. It is known that the makers wanted to cash in to the Sankranti season taking advantage of the holidays and also by impressing governments and get permissions for extra shows and hike in ticket rates.
Generally they expect a minimum hike of RS 50 per ticket and they hoped the same from the Andhra Pradesh government headed by CM Jagan Mohan Reddy. That's the reason why they underwent all the trouble to organise their films pre release functions in the state despite the government officials have them sleepless nights making them run here and there for permissions..
However, for all the trouble, AP government gave permission to increase ticket rates by only ₹25 and ₹20 for #WaltairVeerayya & #VeeraSimhaReddy respectively for all classes and for a period of 10 days. Many are of the opinion that they the AP government has made fun of Chiranjeevi and Balakrishna with this decision. Wonder how they react.