Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan are the top stars of Bollywood. However, both of them had their own share of controversies. In the meantime, yesteryear actress Somy Ali exposed Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan. Somy Ali who was once in a relationship with Salman Khan shared a video exposing the star. She said Salman Khan not only hit her but also went on to say only men can cheat women.
She shocked everyone by saying Salman Khan physically and verbally abused her tormenting her a lot. She said 'I had it the worst in terms of verbal, sexual and physical abuse' and added that Salman remarked 'I am a man and only men can cheat not women.'
Somy Ali shared another video in which Shah Rukh Khan is seen saying he doesn't like any guy or girl foul mouthing or abusing girls.