Mohanlal is known as a complete actor across the country. He scored hits like Drishyam franchise, Big Brother, 12th Man and Monster and is busy with multiple projects. He is teaming with Liji Jose Pellissery for an exciting project and the film is titled in a powerful manner as Malaikottai Valiban. The makers also revealed the first look poster and though it did not reveal much , but excited everyone. Mohanlal posted 'Presenting to you the title of my upcoming movie with Lijo Jose Pellissery - 'Malaikottai Valiban (sic).'
The project is touted to be an out and out action thriller. Lijo Jose is known for his film Jallikattu which even went to the Oscars as India's official entry. Prithviraj Sukumaran increased the excitement by talking about the project.
Prithviraj Sukumaran said 'It’s a Lijo jose Pellissery film. I know the film’s subject. I’m extremely excited to watch that film. To be frank, even though I’m a Lalettan fan, as far as that film is concerned, the fact that most excites me is that it’s a film by Lijo. That said, I think he will bring out a fresh perspective on Lalettan. It’s a very challenging film. I don’t know if you guys know this but it’s a very big film. They are going to shoot the entire movie in Rajasthan,'